Friday, June 10, 2011

5/22/11 - Niagara Falls, NY - 217 miles

We are headed to Niagara Falls today....(one more item to mark off on my Bucket List)! We fueled up in Ohio @ a Flying J and diesel was $3.99. Added two more states to our map today. We were only in Pennsylvania just under 50 miles, but on our way home in the fall we will be in the southern part of the state for at least a week. Once we entered New York we could not believe all the vineyards....they were huge fields and went on for well over 50 miles. We had a close call today, almost running into the back of Richard & Karen's Jeep Liberty. We had gotten off the Interstate, Richard was leading and he went around a curve going downhill and had to slam on his breaks because an overpass was marked at 12' (which we can't clear). After stopping in front of the overpass we determined that it was mismarked and we proceeded on under it very slowly with all of us a little shaken!

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