Sunday, June 19, 2011

6/9/11 - Montreal - 47 miles

We're headed across the border today. I made a trip to the post office to do some mailing of packages, cards's much cheaper on the US side of the border. We filled the propane tank and topped off the Tahoe and Alfa fuel tanks since we know fuel is cheaper in the states than in Canada. We paid $4.29 for diesel and $3.93 for regular...that's the highest we've paid so far...and I'm saying that is cheap!!!! We only had about 20 miles to go before we got to the border. We were through the border in under 30 minutes. They asked to see our passports and vehicle registrations. Asked if we had any liquor, tobacco or firearms, how long we were going to be in Canada, and where we lived. We answered their questions and we were on our way! Was surprised they didn't ask anything about pets at all and I don't think they even saw Addie and Cody looking at them as we were stopped talking to the border agent. We stopped at a really nice Visitor Center and the girl that helped us spoke really good English and was very helpful. Once we crossed the border the signs were in French with some English. We stopped at a campground about 15 miles south of Montreal. They spoke French, but the guy that parked us spoke good English so we got parked and checked in okay. Karen's internet dish is dead...ours is working today. We went into Montreal and drove around. On the way back to the RV's we stopped at several places to see about getting somenting to eat....Richard and I kept going in to look @ menus....we ended up going back to the motorhomes to eat. Decided if we are going to eat out, Pat & Karen will have to do the menu checking as Richard and I are too cheap to pay their prices and especially when we really don't know what we're going to get.

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