Saturday, June 11, 2011

5/22/11 - Niagara Falls

After getting settled into our campground on Grand Island, which is located between the Niagara River branches, we headed to Niagara Falls State Park to get our first view of the falls. Niagara Falls are the most powerful watefalls in North America. They are located on the Niagara River, which drains from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario and forms the international border between Canada and the US. The most spectacular Horseshoe Falls is best viewed from the Canadian side, is 2,600 feet wide and 173 feet high. The American Falls are 1,060 feet wide and 70-100 feet high. We didn't have a very good day for photos and the mist was so high from the Horseshoe Falls it was hard to see them. But standing next to the falls it is hard to imagine the volume of water going over - it is an awesome sight.

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