Monday, August 6, 2007

I was up late tonight (actually early 2:00 AM) when I decided it was time to go to bed. Bent down to lock the door and looked up and it looked like a whole lighted city was coming right at me. I woke Pat up and said he needed to get up to see the huge cruise ship coming in all lit up. He kinda mumbled but got up and by that time Jenny was up taking pictures too. It was hard to get good shots of what we actually saw. By the time either one of us got a decent shot the ship was by us going into the port in Seward. The 2nd picture is an early morning picture of the same ship. They said that this was the largest cruise ship to come into Seward.....2500 people! These ships sail in forwards and then back out. The 2nd cruise ship had come in sometime during the night. The large one we saw coming in at 2:00 AM is on the right.

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