Saturday, August 18, 2007

Once we got out into Prince William Sound we saw a number of commercial fishing operations. We came upon this just as the fishing boat was ready to transfer their catch to a trawler (the trawler's go to the different fishing boats and pick up their catch, which enables the fishing boat to not have to go back and forth to port with their daily catch). After the trawler has their limit which is dependent on what the processor can handle head to empty their loads in port. Our boat captain told us the processor limit was 40,000 lbs. per day......that is a lot of salmon! ....Pictures 1 & 2) Reeling their nets up to get the salmon concentrated in one area....... Pictures 3) shows the large vacumn tube that they pick the salmon up with and it is then dropped out onto the long trays that you see in Picture 4....... Picture 5) the salmon coming down into the large box in the center where they are weighed and the commercial fisher signs off on his catch. This was all something we had never seen before and very interesting.

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