Saturday, August 18, 2007

8/11/07 - 2nd Day in Valdez

We had booked our Prince William Sound cruise for today and when we got up the weather was a perfect day for being on the water.....not a cloud in the sky. God has certainly blessed us with many beautiful days and great weather while in Alaska! The annual Women's Fishing Derby was also today so there were over 400 women out fishing today....lots of boats on the water as we left Valdez Arm to enter the Sound. Wildlife sightings today: Stellar Sea Lions, Humpback Whale, Sea Otter's (about 200 of them!), Orca, Harbor Seal, lots of different sea birds, and 3 eagles on the boat cruise and 11 when we got back to land. If you want to see where we are currently (8/17/07) go to:

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