Tuesday, August 14, 2007

8/9/07 - Palmer to Willow Lake - 170 miles

We had a long day of travel for what we have gotten use to. We had a rainy overcast morning so we didn't get to see the beautiful country that we were driving through. Our adventure for the day was picking up hitch-hikers which we don't normally do. We had planned on staying overnight in Glenallen, but when we got their the RV park was full and instead of going to another park there we decided to drive on down towards Valdez and just pull over and dry camp for the night. This ended up being a great choice because we had a nice pull-out area with a terrific view out our windows.....that is one reason we love our Alfa....the big windows that you can see out of. Wildlife sightings today: None If you want to see where we are currently (8/13/07) go to: http://map.datastormusers.com/user2.cfm?user=2430

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