Monday, August 20, 2007

8/15/07 - Valdez to 25 miles south of Tok - 229 miles

It was real foggy early this morning so decided to leave Valdez a little later than planned and we were also saying goodbye to Larry & Marcheta. Once they get to Tok they are going to Chicken and over Top of the World Highway, Dawson City, Whitehorse and then back to Haines and taking the ferry south to Prince Rupert. We have really enjoyed getting to know them and spending about a month together. If (or I should say....when) we get back to Tennessee we will be looking them up for sure. We don't know if Dan & Jenny will catch up to us or it was also goodbye to them, so we are down to just two of us traveling together. It was a beautiful drive once again coming up over the mountains out of Valdez and seeing the same scenery but from the other direction. We had thought we would take one of the few dirt roads that go into Wrangell-St. Elias National Park....but the mountains were all cloud covered so we decided to just keep going. We noticed that the colors were beginning to change and also the fireweed is pretty much gone......sure are going to miss seeing it along the roadway. Wildlife sightings today: None If you want to see where we are currently (8/19/07) go to:

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