Friday, August 19, 2011

We had called Nimrod's Campground and they said "Just come on in, we've got plenty of room". As we turned off the main road down into the campground we weren't sure what we were in for. This was the most laid back of any campground check-in we have been to. "Just go find you a sight and come back and let us know which one you are in". We got a chuckle out of the sign they had posted in the little rundown house we went into....hadn't seen rates listed this way before! We were able to get two sites right on the edge of the lake and had gorgeous views. When we went back to pay with our VISA card the 10-year old grandson thought our flag logo credit card was "cool" and wanted to take a picture of it (don't think so)! Pat had asked Richard & Karen to come over and sit outside and just enjoy the view....well they come over, I go out and no Pat...we thought for awhile that he was just in the bathroom. I finally went in to check on him and he wasn't in the motorhome. He had actually walked around to the other side of the lake and took these pictures.

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