Thursday, August 25, 2011

7/28/11 - Port-aux Basque

We exited the ferry with no problems and had to try to get our bearings about which way to go...Pat was leading and we really hadn't looked at the Newfoundland map. The roads were saying East onto Trans-Canadian Highway 1 and we knew we needed to go northwest. We got on it and it was the right highway (there really weren't any others). Wow....we are finally in Newfoundland! We had about a 30 mile drive to our campground in the Grand Codroy Valley. We did make a quick stop at the Visitor's Center to let Addie & Cody out. We didn't go into the Visitor Center....we'll do that tomorrow when we come back this way to do the drive out to Rose Blanche. When we got to the campground there was a line-up waiting to check in for the RV's that were on the ferry.

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