Friday, August 19, 2011

7/19/11 - Halifax (2nd time) - 40 miles

We got back to the campground around noon, packed up and headed toward Halifax. We stayed at the same campground in Hammond Plains where we were earlier in the month. Had a bunch of laundry to do, so I went to the park laundry to do a couple loads of it and had a great visit with a lady from Florida that was traveling with the Adventure Caravan group that were in the park. She had to be in her 70's and was by herself driving a 32' motorhome. She said last year she went on their caravan to Alaska and had to drive the 3500 miles from Florida to Dawson Creek, BC by herself to meet up with the group. Don't think I would be that brave by myself...but she had a great attidude. After I got the laundry done we had several shopping errands to make before heading north in the morning. This is a picture of one of the different items that the labeling is different on each side of the box....I will be glad to get back in the states and actually know what size package I'm buying, since I don't know my metric amounts.

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