Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The grounds and views were beautiful. By the time of Bell's arrival in Baddeck, the success of the telephone had freed him from the need to earn a living and at 'Beinn Bhreagh', Bell continued his busy routine of experimentation and analysis. His activities at his estate had a significant impact on the economic and social life at Baddeck. The estate provided work for many men and women. His wife, Mabel Bell, played a vital role in her husband's career, providing him with both financial and moral support to pursue his diverse interets. In 1877 Helen Keller's father approached Bell for advice on her education. He made the statement that he had traveled all over the world, but the prettiest place was here in Cape Breton on the shores of Bras D'Or Lake. We could not see his estate and it is still in the family and not open for the public.

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