Thursday, June 10, 2010

6/6/10 - Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

Authorized by Congress in 1970, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore encompasses a 31-miles stretch of Lake Michigan's eastern shoreline. The park was established to preserve the "outstanding natural features, including forests, beaches, and dune formations.
Covered bridge on the 'Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive".
Glen Lake had the prettiest blue waters, the lake appears divided into two parts by the constriction at the "narrows" bridge.
Looking over some of the sand dunes.
This panoramic view was 450' above Lake Michigan. There was a trail down the side to the's hard to see the people in this picture climbing back up the trail by using their hands and feet......glad we didn't attempt this, I'm not sure I would have made it back up.
An old basswood tree with it's roots exposed indicate the ongoing contest between plants and shifting sand.
North Bar times the sand bar builds up and separated the Lake from Lake Michigan, which is how we saw it.

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