Sunday, July 10, 2011

6/24/11 - Borden-Carleton, PEI - 214 miles

It's time to head for PEI - we've been in New Brunswick four nights and will spend more time here the end of August when we head south after Newfoundland/Labrador. We saw this moose sign everywhere...but no moose....they say there are lots of them??? We are going over a lot of bridges with all the water around us. The umbrella on the sign indicates that there is a beach at that area. The house was a B&B tucked back in the trees on a river...pretty setting...I saw it while we were getting fuel in Port Elgin, NB. The fuel was $1.289 a litre ($4.88 per gallon) which was less than we had seen in Quebec so we filled up thinking it would be more on PEI. (Once we got to PEI it was $1.249 per litre)!

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