Saturday, September 10, 2011

The park ranger had told us when we went back through St. Lunaire-Griquet, go to the high school and there is a trail that goes up the big hill behind the high school and when we get to the top you will have a great view and can see and get a feel of just how big the "ice island" is that is out a couple of miles. This "ice island" broke off a year ago from the Petermann Glacier in Iceland and is now at the tip of the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland...there are lots of pieces breaking off of it daily. After talking to the locals who were saying that they had never seen anything like it before....we think we got to witness a once in a lifetime experience with icebergs! The trail up was not in the best shape and I dropped off in the mud once...but it was well worth the effort. In the picture of me you can barely see a long white area and that is the ice island is several miles long and wide and only 15% of it is above water!

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