Wednesday, September 12, 2007

9/4/07 - Lac La Hache, BC to Oroville, WA - 301 miles

This is the first day of 300 mile driving we have had since May 20th, but we were wanting to get across the border today! We ended up going down an 18 mile hill that wasn't marked well at all, Pat looked in his rear view mirror about the time Richard came on the walkie and said his brakes were smoking really bad so we were able to find a pull out and let them cool down for awhile. Both Rich & Karen were pretty shook up when they got out of the motorhome. Then we got on 97 heading south through Peachland, BC and couldn't believe all the wineries and orchards through about a 50 mile area along a lake. We later found out that there were over 50 wineries in this area which is called "The Okanagan Valley". It is also called the "Banana Belt" of Canada and lots of retired people live here. We were wanting to stop and get some fruit at the fruitstands we saw but didn't think we could take it across the border. When we got to the border and the agent came in to check the motorhome we asked her about the fruit and she said there was no problem bringing fruit in from this area but that we would have more opportunity as soon as we got in WA. It felt good being back in the USA! Wildlife sightings today: 5 Deer. If you want to see where we are currently (9/12/07) go to:

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