Monday, September 3, 2007

8/28/07 - Teslin to Dease Lake - 295 miles

The day started off with a beautiful sunrise over Teslin Lake and lots of blue sky for a gorgeous day to be driving. Part of the day we were covering territory that we had come through in June....just going the other way. The colors are beginning to change and I just soaked up all the beautiful views....knowing I'm headed back to the brown desert! Just before Watson Lake we headed south on The Cassair Highway which we had heard horror stories about. We did run into some pretty bad roads and lots of gravel....but we just took it slow and easy. This is more miles than we have done in a day for quite awhile so we were tired when we got to Dease Lake. Wildlife sightings today: 1 Black Bear. If you want to see where we are currently (9/3/07) go to:

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