Saturday, September 15, 2007

9/11/07 - Thayne, WY

It was nice to get to Thayne yesterday afternoon (9/10/07). We had several people come by to talk to us as they were wondering if we were ever coming back. It feels kinda good to know we will be sitting in one place for 3 weeks. When we went to Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada in 1975 with our travel trailer and four kids....we were wishing then that we had the time and the funds to go onto Alaska. So for 32 years we have talked about wanting to go to Alaska and this year God made it possible for us to fulfill that dream. We thank Him for the travel safety He granted us and all the splendor and beautiful country He created for our enjoyment. From the time we left Thayne until getting back we were gone 105 days, traveled 7500 miles in the motorhome and 3200 miles in the jeep. It was a trip of a lifetime! We are already starting to plan and talk about our next trip to "The Last Frontier"! The blog has been fun doing (however much more time consuming than I ever imagined), we hope in some small way you were able to share a little of our wonderful summer through the pictures. Taking the amount of time we did and literally going to the end of many roads we really did see Alaska. Words or pictures really can't do justice to what we experienced.....we have heard many people say "Once you go to Alaska you leave a part of you there" and I know that we both feel that way. I won't be posting our daily activities now but will still post from time to time. We are planning on leaving Thayne on September 30th and driving to Sunset, UT. We have an appointment @ Charlie's on October 1st to have our windshield replaced, our front step worked on and my passenger chair repaired (from two muts who decided to chew one day)! Not sure how long we will be at Charlie's but from there it will be a couple of days and we will be back home. We are getting anxious to see all the kids!

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