Saturday, September 1, 2007

8/25/07 - 3rd Day in Skagway

It was a lazy day today. Got up late and then did some shopping in the afternoon. Skagway is called the "Garden City of Alaska". In walking around shopping I couldn't believe all the jewelry stores I saw...Karen had counted 25! This town is definitely geared towards the cruise ship traffic and shopping....but I can't imagine how that many jewelry stores can survive...didn't know that many people go on cruises and buy jewelry. They told us at the visitor center that 70% of the cruise traffic spends over $100.00 on jewelry in Skagway....hard to believe! The four of us went out to dinner and then to The Days of '98 Show with Soapy Smith. Jefferson Randolph "Soapy" Smith was a notorious outlaw. All events depicted in this original play are taken from the Skagway historical records and center on Soapy Smith's reign over the town during the Klondike Gold Rush of 1897 and 1898. Karen was selected to get up and dance with the Can-Can girls...glad it wasn't me! Wildlife sightings today: None. If you want to see where we are currently (8/31/07) go to:

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