Saturday, July 7, 2007

These pictures are from the Historic Chicken townsite and are located on private property (the owner of the RV park we stayed at bought "the old town of Chicken" a couple of years ago). We took the tour which included 17 different buildings. The tour includes the only remaining roadhouse (built in 1899) on the Eagle Trail, complete with a huge cookstove; Tisha's schoolhouse; and other structures dating back to the early 1900's. This was an old hardware store....note the bins for supplies and the board at the back that shows where the gaskets etc. hung. This is Tisha's Schoolhouse...Jenny had just finished reading her book (Tisha - it is the true story of Ann Hobbs Prudy) a nineteen year old schoolteacher from Colorado who went to Alaska to teach in 1927. As soon as I'm done with the book I'm reading I plan on reading Tisha....looks like it would be a good one to read while in Alaska. This structure had sunk 3 foot.

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