Saturday, July 28, 2007

7/22/07 - Wasilla to Portage Valley Area - 94 miles

Left around 9:30 this morning and headed south towards Anchorage and a Fred Meyer service station to top off our diesel before getting to the Kenai Peninsula area. Think our new friends thought it was pretty comical us all getting our cheaper fuel and getting in and out of the service stations. We got our cheapest fuel yet on the trip here (with our discount it was $2.69 a gallon....and we now think that is cheap)! The Kenai Peninsula is south of Anchorage and has been labeled the playground of southcentral Alaska. The peninsula is 150 miles long and 70 miles wide. The Seward Highway crosses the isthmus that separates the Kenai Peninsula from the rest of Alaska. Wildlife sightings today: 3 Dall Sheep If you want to see where we are currently at (7/28/07) go to:

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