Thursday, July 26, 2007

7/18/07 - 2nd Day at Wasilla

No pictures today....we didn't even leave the campground. Pat was having some major computer problems so he spent a good part of the day on the phone with HP and Microsoft....the new Vista program is causing many problems! I got caught up on some long overdue paperwork...gets kinda hard keeping up on the routine daily things that need done ....when we are on the move and going so much. The campground here is really nice..we were only going to stay two nights but we have decided to stay an additional two nights. Wasilla (All I Saw - - spelled backwards) is about 35 miles north of Anchorage (it is just on the outskirts south of Wasilla). The campgrounds in Anchorage are all booked for a week and they are putting people in really close together so we decided that we would just drive back and forth when we do want to go to Anchorage....the dogs have a huge grassy area here to play and they are loving's a smaller park and we've got good space between us.

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