Thursday, July 19, 2007

7/16/07 - 2nd Day at Trapper Creek - Mt. McKinley

Pat was up bright and early this morning for his 8:30 flight to Mt. McKinley....he had about a 35 minute drive to Talkeetna where the flight left from. There wasn't a cloud in the sky so he was going to have a perfect viewing day. He said even the pilot was pumped at the beautiful day they had....he was able to land at base camp which they normally don't do and his flight was the Grand Denali tour which took them completely around Denali and traversed The Alaska Range twice. Pat took the professional camera with him as well as the digital camera and did he ever get some fantastic's pictures were very hard to decide which to eliminate and not put on the blog....hope you don't get tired of mountain shots because your going to get them today! This was definitely the highlight of the trip so far for Pat. When he got back all he could say was "You have to have to go"! When he got back after his 2+ hour flight we jumped in the Jeep and headed to a great viewing sight about 20 miles north of the campground where Richard & Karen were. Everyone was just in awe of how clear it was...God certainly blessed us with one of the best viewings there is. The mountain was out the whole day and we just couldn't get enough of her! Hated to leave when we finally did. Wildlife sightings today: None....we were to busy looking at the mountain. If you want to see where we are at:

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