Sunday, November 13, 2011

Upper Deck Trolley Tour

The first picture is us on the trolley via a window reflection. We have have some great tour guides on this trip but this one was the best we've had. She had obviously done a lot of study and research because she was talking non-stop and adding a lot of humor and knew Boston inside out. Her brother was also a trolley driver and her father was also involved in her tours...don't know what the connection was. She wasn't a bit afraid of tackling any kind of traffic in Boston and definitely getting her trolley where she wanted to go all the while talking up a storm. Pat said the traffic would have been enough of a challenge let alone talking the whole time your driving and not letting it phase her in the least. When we got home Pat wrote up a good review for her suggesting the company let her train other drivers.....she really made the tour fun. and very interesting.

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