Saturday, November 26, 2011

The cranberry season begins in winter when growers flood the bogs with water that freezes and protects the vines from drying out. As the winter snow melts and spring arrives, the bogs are drained. Shortly thereafter blossoms begin to appear. In mid-July, petals fall from the flowers leaving the tiny green fruit that after weeks of summer sun, become red, ripe, cranberries. The cranberry harvest takes place once a year from mid-September through early November. There are two methods of harvesting cranberriesm dry and wet harvesting. What we saw was the wet harvesting that involves flooding the bog with up to a foot of water and using a water reel to free the berries from the vines. Berries are corralled and removed from the bogs by pumps or conveyors. Over 90 percent of the Massachesetts crop is wet harvested.

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