Monday, July 30, 2007

7/26/07 - 2nd Day in Seward

Seward is know as the "Gateway to Kenai Fjords National Park". It is a very pretty little town (big by Alaska town sizes...2,500) nestled between high mountain ranges and sitting on Resurrection Bay. There is a nice Sea Life Center that allows you to come face-to-face with Alaska's exciting marine wildlife. Construction of the Sea Life Center was funded by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration fund and private donations. It rained off and on today with some clearing. We signed up for our Kenai Fjords boat tour for tomorrow. Wildlife sightings today: 4 Bald Eagles, 2 Otters plus all we saw at the Sea Life Center. If you want to see where we currently are (7/29/07) go to:
We heard a knock on our door this morning at 6:30 and figured it was Dan leaving for his halibut fishing charter trip, but he was suppose to leave by 6:00.......well it was Jenny alerting us that this eagle was sitting on a piling right out in front of the motorhomes. We were able to get outside and take pictures and watch him with the fish. We didn't get very many good pictures....don't know why they just didn't turn out good.
10:00 AM - We don't know if this was the same eagle that was here this morning at 6:30 or not. We just can't stop taking pictures of these majestic birds!
There are two different kinds of puffins....horned and tufted....we had not ever seen puffins before, they were pretty cool looking.
A big Sea was interesting he would swim real close to the glass whenever there were small kids standing there. I liked how he looked back at us in the third picture.
Octopus at Sea Life Center
This is where we were told to get good hamburgers...Red's ....they just didn't tell us there was no dining room.....the tent had two picnic tables to sit at.....but the food was sure good, the four of us got a good laugh out of it.
A couple of shots of Resurrection Bay. The 1st one is when we were across the bay looking across at out "little houses" we are in the front row on the very left side.....the middle Alfa has the black bra on the front (that's Sheppards). We are to the left and Hugo's to the right.
We had gone across the bay just driving around and Pat spotted these two bald eagles sitting on the light pole.....some of the pictures we got of them when they took off and flying around in the area.
Pat with some more time-lapsed shots at midnight....the light was reflected up into the clouds on the 2nd picture.

7/25/07 - Portage Valley to Seward - 84 miles

We've finally arrived on the Kenai Peninsula and will probably be down in this area for a couple of weeks or more. Before setting up camp we all went and dumped and filled with water since we don't have any hook-ups in the spots we picked. Wildlife sightings today: 2 Seal, 1 Otter. If you want to see where we are currently at (7/29/07) go to:
We are finally down on the Kenai Peninsula.
We are in the City of Seward campground....we don't have any hook-ups here (they had some water/electric but we wanted to be right down on the end by the water). The dry camping is $12.00 per night but the view and water activity is great. The campground is right on Resurrection Bay and you are looking across at three glaciers and beautiful mountains. These are the three See-Ya's and our Tennessee (Lance camper) friends by the side of us.
This large cruise ship was in port when we got into Seward. About 8:30 PM it left, backed out of port and then turned around right in front of us. It was pretty awesome with the size of it.
Pat was trying some time-lapsed photography at midnight. We are back far enough south that we are getting darkness around 11:00 PM....We are actually missing the daylight all night long! These are pictures across Resurrection Bay.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

7/24/07 - 3rd Day in Portage Valley - Williwaw Campground

Happy Birthday Jason!!! We had a full day today...took a side trip south to Hope then back to Girdwood. From Girdwood we then went to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center and then home. It still rained off and on all day and it also rained throughout the night. Wildlife sightings today: 3 Bald Eagles. If you want to see where we are currently at (7/29/07) go to:
Hope, AK - Population a quiet little town on Turnagain Arm.....was a frenzy with gold rush activity in 1896.
Views from some of the camping sites in Porcupine Campground. We didn't stay here....just like to drive through campgrounds....I know we are a little weird!
Buildings in Hope
There were quite a few fishing for silver salmon on Resurrection Creek right at the mouth of Turnagain Arm.
This little lodge and cabins had a beautiful setting. The cafe was closed the day we were here but the owner said we could walk around the was so pretty.
This was one of the buildings in the city of Portage that were destroyed in the 1964 Earthquake. The town was demolished and never rebuilt.
These pictures were all taken up at a little shopping/eating area by Aleyska Ski runs.