Sunday, September 13, 2009

Whittington Woods Campground

Boy did we ever find a jewel of a campground today! We originally only planned on staying here overnight....but it was so beautiful and peaceful we stayed three nights. Karen and Richard you probably wouldn't have liked the trees.....BUT we did get out with our internet! There was hardly anyone staying in it so we pretty much were by ourselves. It was fairly new owners ( a really nice young couple) and they were asking us for ideas how they could advertise and get more business. We made a quick 9-mile trip into Benton and walked into a WalMart and both got really good haircuts...this is always fun on the never now if you'll get a good cut or not. They were having a big anniversary celebration in Metropolis (the home of Superman) but we just stayed at the campground enjoying some down time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, you're right about one thing - too many "freakin'" trees for us!
Rich & Karen