Friday, June 15, 2007

6/12/07 - Jasper, AB to Grand Prairie, AB - 244 miles

We left the campground a little later than usual. Richard had battery problems yesterday and he had to wait until a new battery arrived in Jasper. He was able to pick the battery up around 8:45 and we were on our way at 9:30. The trip today was just getting from one spot to the next. We did have some winding narrow roads with a good side wind the guys had a harder day of driving than normal. At one point reading in our "Milepost" it stated.....uphill and downhill grades (to 7 percent) for the next 85 miles......that's quite a few hills! After supper we headed out to see what the town of Grand Prairie had to offer....we didn't find much. Stopped at their Costco and bought a phone card for $20.00 for 500 minutes. The cell phone calls are $1.20 per minute for us up we haven't been using them unless a business call comes in. I was able to use a phone in the lounge of the RV park so I put the card to use right away. Called Michelle to wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Talked to Jason & Terri. Renee, Lisa and mom didn't answer so tried them again the next morning and got ahold of Lisa & Scott. It was good talking to the kids.....miss all of them. Wildlife sightings today: 8 Deer, 3 Elk, 6 Big Horn Sheet plus a herd of about 12-15 laying down on the side of a rocky hill. If you want to see where we are at:

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