Saturday, July 30, 2011

7/12/11 - Kingston - 94 miles

After being in Halifax for a week, it's time to move on to the Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley area. We have had a nice campsite in Hammond Plains and grilled outside 5 of the 7 days we were that helps the food budget! Some of the different things we saw besides the postings I've done....was a glass blowing shop with beautiful crystal, McDonald's is advertising their McLobster sandwich....tried one and it was good. The mail drop off boxes were pretty colorful. These kids were all tied together down on the wharf....they were really little so I can see why they did this to keep them all together. The girl was doing street art. We also drove by where the cruise ship docks, there was one in so all the shops were open. Also down on Pier 21 was the Postwar Immigration Site...Canada received about one and a quarter million immigrants from Europe.

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