Friday, May 21, 2010

5/11/10 - Abraham Lincoln Presidental Museum

In a stunning way, with state-of-the-art, the Lincoln Museum's more than 40,000 square feet of galleries, theaters, and historic displays immerse you in Lincoln's world and time. The holographic and special effects theatres entertain, educate and mesmerize with ghostly images, live actors and high action. You can witness the 1860 Presidential Election as though it were happening today, complete with television news coverage and campaign commercials. Journey from a rustic Indiana one room log cabin to the Executive Mansion in the nation's capital; follow the fate of America's 16th president and share the joys and sorrows of a family --- and a nation. There were three different areas in the museum that I wasn't able to read or see.....the tears were flowing so much........ 1) the full-size replicas of a slave auction...... 2) the Civil War 4-minute timeline depiction of all the battles counting the HUGE loss of life that totaled more than 1.3 million and..... 3) Lincoln's coffin as it lay in state in Springfield's first Capitol. This is by far the best Presidential Library we have visited. You could only take pictures out in the main rotunda area so we don't have any pictures inside the exhibits.
The White House as it appeared in 1861.
The life size replicas were so real looking it was amazing, you felt as though you could start talking to them and they would respond.
Pat & Barb with the Lincoln's - Barb didn't realize she was actually blocking the Lincoln's oldest son Robert.
Young Abe standing outside his family's cabin in Indiana.
Abe reading before the fireplace in their one room cabin. He only had 8 months of formal education and read everything he could get his hands on.

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