Thursday, June 11, 2009

5/3/09 - Bartlesville, OK

We went to church just down the road from the campground and then it was off to Bartlesville, OK to meet our friends Richard & Karen. Before they started full-timing 6 years ago they had lived in Bartlesville and they wanted to show us around. This is the home of Frank Phillips who started the oil company and that is who Richard had worked for. Frank Lloyd Wright had also built here....but since we were out on a Monday that is the day museums usually close, we didn't get to see much. When we got back to the RV park and I was walking the dogs and looked up, I thought I recognized a gentlemen walking his dog.....would you believe that it was the people that have the RV lot next to ours in Wyoming. They had been to the Kentucky Derby and were in Bartlesville visiting a son.....this really is a small world. This is where we had to say goodbye to Rich & Karen...we always enjoy traveling with them, no matter what we are out doing or not doing it is always good for a laugh with them. They are planning on spending the winter out west this year so hopefully we'll get to spend some more fun times with them.

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