Friday, June 12, 2009

5/12/09 - Headed to Carthage, MO

Rachel stayed overnight with us and then we said good bye to her and Renee until we come back through in June. After we got set up in the RV park in Carthage our first stop was at WalMart to buy a weather radio so that we could follow this crazy weather out here. It didn't take long and it was beeping like crazy at us....there were tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings through the early evening about 10 miles away .... up until about 1:00 AM. We sat around watching the storm on radar on the computer, watching the news and listening to our radio....was kind of a scary night. When we got to Cathage there had been considerable storm damage done 5 days earlier and in Joplin (15 miles away) a TV station was demolished by heavy winds and they would be off the air for up to 30 we were definitely tuned in to the weather situation. That hot AZ weather doesn't look so bad afterall! Tomorrow will be only the 2nd day that we will have been by ourselves since we left Arizona on April 13th.

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