Thursday, July 26, 2007

7/17/07 - Trapper Creek to Wasilla - 79 miles

First thing this morning I looked out to see what kind of day I would have for my looked cloudy around the top of Denali so I called about cancelling....but I would have to pay $50.00 anyway so I hopped in the Jeep and took off for Talkeetna. I was scheduled to go on the Grand Denali tour but we were not able to go completely around the peak so I got credited on part of the flight.....however it was still awesome and I was glad that I hadn't backed out! Joe & Hannah took off a little earlier than the rest...they are going on to Anchorage to spend a week there. Everyone else left the campground around 11:00. Pat went about 15 miles and waited at the Talkeetna Spur Road Junction for me. Hugo's & Sheppard's headed onto Wasilla to Big Bear Campground where Dan had made reservations. I got to the junction about 2:00 to meet Pat and then we were off to Wasilla. Once we got to the campground and registered we found out that on Tuesday evenings the campground hosts a free Salmon Bake for all the campers..... good timing on our part! Some of the campers also brought food (we didn't know we could or were suppose to) was really a spread that we had to choose from. I noticed a couple that I had seen and talked to a little bit while waiting for my flight this morning. We invited them to join us at our picnic table and ended up visiting with them for over 3 hours, they are from Tennessee. (The rest of this story will come later) Wildlife sightings today: 1 Eagle If you want to see where we are at right now (not where these pictures are from) go to:

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