Thursday, May 24, 2007

Monday morning Charlie's Service started working on the motorhome getting it tuned up for it's long trip north. There were two warranty items they had to wait to get an okay on until Tuesday. Once they got the okay the new slide motor and radio were installed Tuesday afternoon and we were done @ Charlie's.

On Tuesday, while the motorhome was being worked on Barb headed to South Salt Lake to meet up with friends that she played bridge and camped with 40 years ago. Barb with Sharon Duffield, Vicki Iverson and Joan Mulliner. I had not seen Sharon since 1980 when we moved away from Salt Lake City. The last time I had seen Vicki and Joan was at Pat's mom's funeral in 1998. What a wonderful afternoon with some dear friends! "
After 3 hours in the restaurant visiting I then meet with our sister-in-law, Anne and had a great visit with her. "
Wednesday morning we headed to our RV lot in Thayne, WY. The countryside is just like a green carpet....if it could only stay that way through the summer. They only received about 3 feet of snow this winter compared to their normal 6 feet of snow. We arrived in the early afternoon and while we were parking our friends Ralph & Carol Hedstrom (a former classmate of Pat's) came by to welcome us. We visited a little with them and then had to get to some office work. "
Thursday morning it was 25 degrees (it had snowed here on Tuesday)! Guess the cold weather is our conditioning for Alaska. We spent the morning getting the yard in shape, weeding, trimming and a trip to the dumpster before it started to rain. "
Barb got back to a little more Alaska travel planning. Pat is planning on golfing in the morning (after the frost delay).

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