Monday, August 29, 2011

Northern Lights Inn

This was our campground in Labrador at the Northern Lights Inn. This is the hotel that all the people coming over from the bus tours and RV caravans stay at. We were across the street from the hotel and had 50 amp/full service here for $25.00 a night. I wanted to get Michelle's job done before we left here....because who knows when we will have good Wi-Fi again.
This was really a different landscape than what we had seen in Newfoundland. Obviously going left here took you south into Quebec.

Back in Quebec

We were back to French signs in Quebec.
This was our ferry landing in Blanc Sablon, Quebec and then we had a short drive into Labrador.


This was a two hour ferry ride and I kept watching this long flat object in the water and when we got close enough we could see that it was an iceberg....first one we've seen.
They really parked us close on this ferry....we were right by a pickup pulling a flatbed trailer and we could hardly squeeze out the door....when we unloaded they had the pickup leave first so that we could get in.

Ferry to Labrador

We had decided to take the rigs on the ferry over to Labrador. The ferry cost us $57.25 for the motorhome towing the Tahoe and both of us it was cheaper to do it that way than stay in a hotel for a night. It worked out better for us anyway because we ended up staying two nights in Labrador. The last picture shows the door opening up where we drove into and then out the back on the other side.

8/3/11 - L'Anse-au-Clair, Labrador - 149 miles

We hadn't had wi-fi at the park...they kept telling us they were working on it....well last night we finally got it and just in time because Michelle had a job that she wanted to send me. So when we got ready to leave this morning I got all set up so that I could do the scoping work while we were driving. I hadn't had a job since we left Arizona and between forgetting how to do certain things, the sun shining in the windows on the monitor and the rough roads I didn't get a whole lot done on the road.
We stopped at the Seaside Restaurant and had a great bowl of chowder....they had a pretty view of the water and cove.

Trout River

Another little cove and fishing harbour. There are always lobster traps stacked everywhere on the fishing docks. Each person that has a lobster fishing license can put out 250 traps and when the season is over the traps have to be out of the water. A lot of houses have them stacked around their fact we have seen the traps about anywhere we've looked.


The landscape was really different through the Tablelands side of the road was forrested and the other a barren mountain side.

Vegetable garden

This place had a great looking vegetable garden....a lot of the homes up here have some type of garden.

Sue's Garden

This house that was right on the water had a beautiful garden called Sue's Garden.....Sue is evidently very busy working in it to make it look this pretty.

Woody Point

Woody Point was a pretty little fishing village looking back across the bay to Norris Point where we were a couple of days ago.

8/2/11 - Trout River

We had decided to stay another day at Rocky Harbour. Karen and Richard headed back to Deer Lake to try to get her glasses fixed and Pat and I took a drive to the other side of Bonne Bay. The water definitely dictates where the roads go here. The little village of Woody Point was only a mile or two across the water but we had to drive back 20 miles and then come back up the other side. We stopped at the Visitor Center.....what a great view they had and a lot of good displays.
When the boat tour was done we had our 2-mile hike back out....we cut 20 minutes off our time coming out...hope we're not to sore tomorrow! We got back to Rocky Harbour and found a place to eat.....they had really good fries. Pat ate quick and was off to try to catch some sunset pictures.
When we got up to the end of the pond there were two hikers waiting to be picked up. We had expected a lot narrower waterway up towards the end, so we disappointed in that....guess we are just to use to the high canyon walls at Lake Powell. It was a pretty boat ride but not for the price they charged.
We had about an hour wait for our tour. They take out two boats at a time and this was the other boat...ours was bigger and we had great seats up on top, our boat held about 90 people. This was a 2 hour tour that went back up an anciet fjord for over 10 miles.

2 mile hike into Western Brook Pond

We got to the parking area and then had a 2-mile hike back into the boat dock to begin the tour. This is the furthest any of us have walked in a long time....they had told us to allow 45 minutes so that we wouldn't be late for the boat tour. It was a pretty walk and we were all glad to see the dock and restrooms at the end of the trail.

8/1/11 - Western Brook Pond

We had checked with the boat tour company yesterday and found out that the 1:30 trip we wanted to go on was booked (we had a caravan in our campground again). The 4:00 tour was open so we purchased our tickets for that one. We had not purchased the annual Canadian "Discovery Pass" that gets you into all their national parks and historic sites. We had been paying at each one individually and when we went through the Highlands National Park in Cape Breton, the ranger had told us that if we decided we wanted to purchase the Discovery Pass (it cost $57.00) that if we saved our receipts for the past 30 days and brought them into the park office they would discount the cost by that amount, so that is what we did. We had about a 15 mile trip out to where we had to hike back into the boat tour. We saw this moose on the way out.